Board Games vs. Video Games: Which Is Better for Social Interaction?

Julian Bennett
5 min readDec 20, 2023


In a world dominated by technology, the way we interact with each other has undergone a significant transformation. Traditional forms of social interaction have been replaced by virtual interactions through social media platforms and online gaming. However, there is still a place for face-to-face social interaction, and two popular hobbies that promote this are board games and video games. Both offer opportunities for socialization, but which one is better for fostering meaningful connections and building relationships? Let’s explore the qualities of each and compare their impacts on social interaction.

Board Games: A Catalyst for Bonding

Board games have been around for centuries and are often associated with family gatherings, friendly competitions, and cozy nights spent with loved ones. These games require physical presence and interaction, making them a great catalyst for bonding and socializing. Whether it’s a classic game like Monopoly or a modern strategy game like Settlers of Catan, board games provide a platform for individuals to engage in face-to-face interactions and connect on a deeper level.

One of the greatest advantages of board games is their ability to bring people together regardless of age or technological proficiency. From children to seniors, board games offer a common ground where everyone can participate and contribute. They encourage communication, collaboration, and friendly competition, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.

Board games also provide a break from the digital world, allowing individuals to disconnect from screens and focus on the people around them. This immersive experience creates opportunities for genuine conversations, laughter, and building long-lasting memories. Moreover, the tactile nature of board games enhances sensory stimulation and engages multiple senses, making the experience more immersive and enjoyable.

Video Games: Virtual Connections

Video games, on the other hand, have gained immense popularity in recent years and have become a significant part of modern social interaction. With the advent of online gaming, players can connect with friends or strangers from all around the world, transcending geographical boundaries. Games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, and League of Legends have gathered massive online communities, where players can team up, compete, and communicate virtually.

Online multiplayer games offer a platform for individuals with similar interests to connect and form communities. These communities often have dedicated forums, chat platforms, and voice communication channels where players can socialize, strategize, and develop friendships. Video games allow players to collaborate, solve problems together, and experience adventures as a team.

While video games offer a different form of interaction compared to board games, they can still foster social connections. Through multiplayer gaming, individuals can meet people from different cultures, backgrounds, and age groups, broadening their social circles and promoting cultural exchange. Additionally, video games can serve as conversation starters and topics of interest, providing a common ground for individuals to bond over shared experiences.

Comparing the Impact on Social Interaction

When comparing the impact of board games and video games on social interaction, it is essential to consider various factors such as accessibility, cognitive engagement, and the potential for building relationships.

Board games have the advantage of accessibility. They require minimal equipment and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Board games often promote face-to-face interaction, allowing players to read each other’s body language, engage in non-verbal communication, and strengthen social skills. These games encourage individuals to think critically, strategize, and problem-solve together, promoting cognitive engagement and enhancing interpersonal skills.

On the other hand, video games offer a more immersive and visually stimulating experience. They often require a higher level of technological proficiency and access to specific hardware or software. However, video games can also enhance cognitive skills such as hand-eye coordination, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. While the interaction is virtual, online multiplayer games provide opportunities for teamwork, collaboration, and leadership development.

It is worth noting that both board games and video games have their limitations when it comes to social interaction. Board games, while promoting face-to-face interaction, are limited to the number of players who can physically gather around a table. Video games, although connecting people from different parts of the world, lack the physical presence and immediate emotional connection that face-to-face interactions provide.

The Role of Other Hobbies

In addition to board games and video games, there are other hobbies that promote social interaction and connection. Role-playing games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, combine elements of storytelling, imagination, and social interaction. These games often involve a group of individuals collaborating to create narratives and solve challenges together. They encourage creativity, communication, and teamwork, making them a unique and engaging social activity[¹^].

Jigsaw puzzles, although considered a solitary activity, can also be a great way to promote social interaction, especially among seniors. Working on puzzles together creates opportunities for conversation, teamwork, and cognitive stimulation. It can be a therapeutic activity that enhances cognitive health and fosters social connections[²^].

Puzzles and brain teasers are another hobby that can be enjoyed individually or in a group setting. These activities promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. Working on puzzles as a team can generate meaningful discussions, encourage different perspectives, and help build social bonds[³^].

Furthermore, hobbies like remote-controlled (RC) cars and drones provide opportunities for social interaction and connection. Enthusiasts gather in clubs or events to showcase their skills, exchange knowledge, and engage in friendly competitions. These hobbies foster a sense of community, allowing individuals to connect with like-minded people and share their passion[⁴^].


Both board games and video games offer unique opportunities for social interaction, each with its own advantages and limitations. Board games excel in creating face-to-face interactions, fostering meaningful connections, and allowing individuals to disconnect from the digital world. On the other hand, video games provide a platform for virtual connections, enabling players to meet people from all over the world, collaborate, and experience adventures together.

The choice between board games and video games ultimately depends on personal preferences and the desired form of interaction. Some individuals may find board games more appealing due to their tactile nature, ability to bring people together, and promote face-to-face communication. Others may gravitate towards video games for the immersive experience, global connections, and the opportunity to engage in virtual teamwork.

Ultimately, the best choice for social interaction may not lie solely in board games or video games but in finding a balance between various hobbies that promote connection, collaboration, and shared experiences.

[¹^]: Exploring the World of Role-Playing Games: Dungeons & Dragons and Beyond [²^]: The Therapeutic Power of Jigsaw Puzzles for Seniors [³^]: Why Everyone Should Try Puzzles and Brain Teasers [⁴^]: Exploring the World of RC Cars and Drones



Julian Bennett

Food lover, exploring flavors and cuisines from around the world